
Can I choose my delivery method?

Yes, you can choose home delivery by carrier or in-store collection.

Can I have my order delivered to a relay point?

No, this delivery option is not available.

What are the delivery times?

Ultradia aims to deliver within 24 hours for orders placed before 1pm. Delivery times may vary according to stock levels. For more information on delivery, click ici

How much does delivery cost?

In Belgium,

- For orders under 300€, delivery costs 10€.

- Delivery is free for orders of €300 or more.

Outside France,

Delivery costs abroad are variable and on request. Please contact our service client

For further information: Livraison

How does delivery work?

Once your order has been placed, it will be handed over to our carrier. The carrier will make the delivery on working days and during office hours. You will receive a tracking link so you can follow your package.

What do I do if I'm not there when the delivery is made?

If you are absent at the time of the carrier's visit, the carrier will come back the following day (working day).

What do I do if I miss the carrier's second run?

If you are absent again, you must contact TNT to collect your parcel.

I haven't received my order, who should I contact?

The products sold are considered as conforming by the factory and travel at the customer's risk, even when the cost of transport is borne by our company. Ultradia declines all responsibility for damage, shortages or delays in deliveries, whatever the means of transport used. In the event of damage or shortage, it is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to take recourse against the carrier.

My order is damaged and/or non-compliant. What should I do?

When you receive your order, check it with the carrier and contact us within 24 hours! After this time, we will consider your order to be in order.